Friday, May 22, 2020

The comparison of evils no-brainer

It is possible to feel that America is at something of a political crossroads. This was true before the virus crisis but appears even moreso in light of opportunities for movement in one political direction or another that the crisis has provided.
Classical liberals, Conservatives and "moderate" Democrats might have drawn some comfort from the drubbing that Bernie Sanders received in the primaries by Joe Biden - the only approximately "sane" candidate remaining in the group. It would seem to suggest that the center of gravity of the Democratic party had resisted the precipitous surge to the left signaled by the voluble progressive wing.
Now, however, as discussed by Karl Rove in a WSJ op-ed, Biden has inexplicably himself surged left, even further than he was before. He appears weaker than ever in need of the guidance of a strong charismatic demagogue and ideologue. For which purpose he and Bernie have organized six new task forces, one for each of six major policy areas, composed of staff members from each of their campaigns!!
Examine the six policy areas to realize that, with the possible exception of immigration, in each of them the proposed left-Democratic orientation implies a massive, unrestricted expansion of government expenditure and regulation (in some cases bordering on nationalization). Do not rely on the Congress to inhibit this trend. Both Obama and Trump have made it perfectly clear that the executive has more budgetary freedom now than ever in our history.
The polarization gets more extreme by the minute. Classical liberals, independents and Republicans face a no-brainer in comparing the lesser of evils with Trump on the one side and this on the other. [In sentiment, even if you end up voting for Amash].

Quoting Rove: 
"Last week Mr. Biden made a huge concession to the man he defeated, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and the Vermont socialist’s wing of the Democratic Party. The two men announced six “unity task forces” to “explore possible policy initiatives” on
1. climate change,
2. criminal justice,
3. the economy,
4. education,
5. health care
6. and immigration.
Mr. Biden selected five members for each group and Mr. Sanders three; both men named a co-chairman for each committee."

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