Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Thoughts on the new antisemitism - SHORT VERSION



Newsflash: Its not what you think it is.

A few years ago, I was invited to a meeting at the Jewish Community Center of Dallas – a meeting including a diverse group of local Jewish “leaders” to discuss the problem of antisemitism on university campuses. I was shocked to realize that I may have been the only one in the room who knew what was really going on. I felt that there were new essential elements in the current situation - that we were witnessing a deep cultural shift one that emanated from “the left wing” rather than the "right wing" of the social divide. This was not the usual right-wing variety of antisemitism. 

In fact, over time I have come to realize that the typical American Jewish commitment to all cultural and social aspects of “liberalism” in America was confusing matters and that unless the American Jewish Community at large could be made to see past its obsolete assumptions, no effective response to this new antisemitism would be effective.

When its about the Jews, its not just about the Jews, its not even really about the Jews at all.

The “liberals” are making a big category mistake, a mistake that diverts attention away from the most serious attack on American civil society in a century. The category mistake involves the meaning of “liberal” – a concept, that, in spite of its straightforward origins, has become fraught with confusions and ambiguities. Furthermore, a radical (per)version of what passes as liberalism has abandoned a firm commitment to tolerance, open discussion, and the encouraging of diverse viewpoints. Bias plus intolerance is what we have, gross intolerance of any alternative viewpoints. This is the result of a significant radical change in the character of American “liberalism” – or, more accurately, a change in who gets to set and dominate the “liberal” narrative. It is what we may conveniently refer to as the ”woke revolution”. And, in a nutshell, because of what it essentially is, the woke revolution is what is responsible for the explosion of antisemitism on campus and everywhere else.

If its Woke it ain’t Liberal.

Woke is not liberal. It is the opposite of liberal – in all plausible variations of that term. The ideology known critically as wokism originates not from any liberal source, but, from its antithesis, from a variant of Marxism, known as Critical Theory. Wokism denies the validity of every important aspect of liberalism, most significantly the value of freedom of expression and open inquiry. Modern American “liberals” who have jettisoned the firm commitment to protection of individual property rights, at least still agree on the importance of tolerance of individual viewpoints and the encouragement of civil discussion of alternative viewpoints. As such, they should not seek to make common ground with the Progressives who have embraced the tenets of wokism. Understanding that wokism is illiberal is also the key to understanding why it is responsible for the rise in (this new variant) of antisemitism.

Jews Don’t Count

Wokism, “social justice revolution”, Critical Race Theory, “Anti-racism”, equity, diversity, inclusion, … .and other various components of this new ideology, all seek to articulate an alternate worldview that is antithetical to liberalism and liberal democracy, and to the very foundations of western science. In this worldview, the ideas and perceptions of all individuals are indelibly shaped by their identity, in the original Marxist concept by their social class, but, in this modern variant, by their race. Truth is not objective in the sense we usually understand it. For example, the truth of the “black experience” cannot be understood, therefore should not be described or researched, by anyone who is not black. One has to have access the “lived experience” of the minority group members themselves for this. Hence there can be no legitimate discussion between whites and blacks who disagree about this. 

In this narrative, whites, who live privileged lives, should just shut up about this, unless it is to seek to understand the role that they have played historically, and continue to play, in the ongoing oppression. These are not claims made as an invitation to a discussion, they are dogmas, to be acted upon. Identity (race) determines character. This principle is completely and insidiously destructive of the idea of the uniqueness of the individual. The individual is completely eclipsed by the contours of the group to which she belongs. There is no transcending the nature of one’s group -  one’s racial identity. It is of a type with Marxist class determinism, where class is replaced by race.

According to this, Martin Luther King’s hope for a colorblind society is naïve at best and complicit at worst. The woke agenda, by contrast, seeks to emphasize race, to dethrone and shame whites for benefitting from white supremacy, and remake the entire social system (by massive government intrusions, educational indoctrination challenging all and every “white” shibboleth imaginable). I have yet to find an account of what the new world achieved by this revolution is supposed to look like.

I just read two recently published books, one about the UK (Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel)  and the other about the US (Woke Antisemitism by David Bernstein). I highly recommend them both. Perhaps the most notable thing about them, is that they are both written by avowedly “liberal” authors, self-described as “leftist”. But, both, in spite of this, have become completely disillusioned and alarmed by the woke (Progressive) agenda, not least because of its inevitable anti-semitic element.

Baddiel is a well-known British-Jewish comedian/public intellectual. Bernstein is an eminent American-Jewish communal leader. Both became disillusioned over time, especially Bernstein, as they began to realize that the woke folk were not the traditional friends to the Jews that “liberals” had always been. Further, they came to the realization that following the well-worn path of Jewish-liberal alliances would no longer work with the latest brand of “liberalism”. In fact, and this is key, the vigorous attempt by Jewish organizations to curry favor with the organizations adopting one woke principle after another, was not only undermining traditional Jewish values of tolerance and open-mindedness, it was not even working to maintain the alliances regarded as valuable. Instead, these efforts were rebuffed and treated with contempt (for chapter and verse read Bernstein).

In the woke worldview Jews cannot be victims, notwithstanding the evidence to the contrary. The Holocaust was terrible, but it is not relevant to the current environment of “systemic racism” in which Jews are “white adjacent” – part of the privileged white class. (Whiteness has been mystified to go beyond skin color to include a state of being). In fact, Jews, because of their relative success as a group, are an obvious and easy target when it comes to attacking white privilege. They have used their “whiteness” to garner disproportionate numbers in the institutions of power. As Baddiel points out when it comes to anti-semitism, “Jews don’t count” as victims, because they are way down on the hierarchy of racisms. And, by the way, Asians are, likewise, white adjacents, who have benefitted by their token whiteness. They are not included in the club of the oppressed. Indeed, the world is divided into oppressed and oppressor and if you are not part of one you are part of the other. 

An important aspect of this anti-Jewish animus is the uncompromising anti-Israel rage that characterizes the woke folk. Criticism of Israeli government policy absolutely need not be anti-semitic, but, upon close examination, most of it in social media turns out to be grossly anti-semitic. To wit, the distortions that characterize the reporting, the historical misinformation, the singling out of Israel for human rights violations far less egregious than those of its neighbors or, indeed, numerous countries around the world, the insidious allusions to the Jewish character of the Israeli nation and so on. The association of Jews with the demon Israel has done much to make left-wing anti-semitism respectable.

You need not take my word for it. In a short essay I cannot provide the kind of evidence necessary to document the character of wokism and the implications of it for Jews and for Jewish organizations. For that you should read especially Bernstein. Anyone in any position of Jewish leadership should read that book. But, if this is right, if Bernstein is right, then Jews in America and everywhere that wokism is a factor, should understand the fundamentals of wokism and why it is necessary for Jewish organizations to distance themselves from it, and to combat its blatantly illiberal precepts. Those precepts are essentially anti-liberal and anti-Jewish in nature.


Recently, the problem has gotten worse. Jewish students on many campuses are at pains to hide their Jewishness. Jewish organizations have to have security at their events. University administrations have caved to the demand of woke student organizations to adopt their agendas and strike anti-Israel poses. None of this comes from the right-wing.

As I write, as evidenced by the two books referenced here, awareness is growing, but slowly. An effective policy to combat this new anti-semitism, on campus and elsewhere, will depend on a fundamental change in the typical American Jewish mindset. It is a big change, but, one that I actually feel is possible, even likely, given the growing impossibility of denying the obvious.

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